How To Design And Make Your Own Stencils: A Craft Tutorial

Stencils are an indispensable component in every crafter’s arsenal. They allow us to produce crisp and consistent patters again and again over a variety of surfaces. However, sometimes even amongst the vast array of commercial stencils, we can’t seem to find a design that meets our needs. The obvious solution is to design and cut our own, but how? I have been designing and making stencils for my work for the past 2 years now, and today I’m going to share all the tips and tricks I’ve picked up along the way. Continue reading

Raven Pegasus

“Raven Pegasus” is one of my rare ventures into the realm of fantasy artwork. This painting was inspired by the raw strength and power of the horse, which I tried to emphasize with the heavily arched neck and flaring nostrils. The pose is of Mr. Pegasus collecting himself before launching into flight, chosen to show the best angles of his feathers, and the motion of his heavy, windswept mane.

Prints and products featuring “Raven Pegasus” can be purchased at

Raven Pegasus by Laurel Anne Equine Art
Raven Pegasus by Laurel Anne Equine Art

Summer Shelter

Summer Shelter by Laurel Anne Equine Art

One rainy day at the end of August last year I passed a place on the farm where the weeds never get trimmed. Upon a second glance I noticed a little dry spot that was sheltered from the weather. I suddenly imagined a family of rabbits sheltering under there and quickly snapped a photo to use as a reference. “Summer Shelter” is the final product of that inspiration. Prints and other products featuring “Summer Shelter” can be purchased at


Summer Shelter by Laurel Anne Equine Art
Summer Shelter by Laurel Anne Equine Art

Butterfly Weeds

Butterfly Weed by Laurel Anne Equine Art

First post of the year, and long overdue! “Butterfly Weed” is a painting I started way back last June and kept putting on the back burner. It is meant to portray those midsummer days when the milkweeds are in bloom and swarming with butterflies.

Prints and other products featuring “Butterfly Weed” can be purchased at

Butterfly Weed by Laurel Anne Equine Art
Butterfly Weed by Laurel Anne Equine Art